Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
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// Copyright (C) MongoDB, Inc. 2017-present. |
// |
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may |
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain |
// a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
// Package bson is a library for reading, writing, and manipulating BSON. BSON is a binary serialization format used to |
// store documents and make remote procedure calls in MongoDB. The BSON specification is located at https://bsonspec.org. |
// The BSON library handles marshalling and unmarshalling of values through a configurable codec system. For a description |
// of the codec system and examples of registering custom codecs, see the bsoncodec package. |
// |
// Raw BSON |
// |
// The Raw family of types is used to validate and retrieve elements from a slice of bytes. This |
// type is most useful when you want do lookups on BSON bytes without unmarshaling it into another |
// type. |
// |
// Example: |
// var raw bson.Raw = ... // bytes from somewhere |
// err := raw.Validate() |
// if err != nil { return err } |
// val := raw.Lookup("foo") |
// i32, ok := val.Int32OK() |
// // do something with i32... |
// |
// Native Go Types |
// |
// The D and M types defined in this package can be used to build representations of BSON using native Go types. D is a |
// slice and M is a map. For more information about the use cases for these types, see the documentation on the type |
// definitions. |
// |
// Example: |
// bson.D{{"foo", "bar"}, {"hello", "world"}, {"pi", 3.14159}} |
// bson.M{"foo": "bar", "hello": "world", "pi": 3.14159} |
// |
// When decoding BSON to a D or M, the following type mappings apply when unmarshalling: |
// |
// 1. BSON int32 unmarshals to an int32. |
// 2. BSON int64 unmarshals to an int64. |
// 3. BSON double unmarshals to a float64. |
// 4. BSON string unmarshals to a string. |
// 5. BSON boolean unmarshals to a bool. |
// 6. BSON embedded document unmarshals to the parent type (i.e. D for a D, M for an M). |
// 7. BSON array unmarshals to a bson.A. |
// 8. BSON ObjectId unmarshals to a primitive.ObjectID. |
// 9. BSON datetime unmarshals to a primitive.Datetime. |
// 10. BSON binary unmarshals to a primitive.Binary. |
// 11. BSON regular expression unmarshals to a primitive.Regex. |
// 12. BSON JavaScript unmarshals to a primitive.JavaScript. |
// 13. BSON code with scope unmarshals to a primitive.CodeWithScope. |
// 14. BSON timestamp unmarshals to an primitive.Timestamp. |
// 15. BSON 128-bit decimal unmarshals to an primitive.Decimal128. |
// 16. BSON min key unmarshals to an primitive.MinKey. |
// 17. BSON max key unmarshals to an primitive.MaxKey. |
// 18. BSON undefined unmarshals to a primitive.Undefined. |
// 19. BSON null unmarshals to a primitive.Null. |
// 20. BSON DBPointer unmarshals to a primitive.DBPointer. |
// 21. BSON symbol unmarshals to a primitive.Symbol. |
// |
// The above mappings also apply when marshalling a D or M to BSON. Some other useful marshalling mappings are: |
// |
// 1. time.Time marshals to a BSON datetime. |
// 2. int8, int16, and int32 marshal to a BSON int32. |
// 3. int marshals to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, inclusive, and a BSON int64 |
// otherwise. |
// 4. int64 marshals to BSON int64. |
// 5. uint8 and uint16 marshal to a BSON int32. |
// 6. uint, uint32, and uint64 marshal to a BSON int32 if the value is between math.MinInt32 and math.MaxInt32, |
// inclusive, and BSON int64 otherwise. |
// 7. BSON null values will unmarshal into the zero value of a field (e.g. unmarshalling a BSON null value into a string |
// will yield the empty string.). |
// |
// Structs |
// |
// Structs can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from BSON. When transforming structs to/from BSON, the following rules |
// apply: |
// |
// 1. Only exported fields in structs will be marshalled or unmarshalled. |
// |
// 2. When marshalling a struct, each field will be lowercased to generate the key for the corresponding BSON element. |
// For example, a struct field named "Foo" will generate key "foo". This can be overriden via a struct tag (e.g. |
// `bson:"fooField"` to generate key "fooField" instead). |
// |
// 3. An embedded struct field is marshalled as a subdocument. The key will be the lowercased name of the field's type. |
// |
// 4. A pointer field is marshalled as the underlying type if the pointer is non-nil. If the pointer is nil, it is |
// marshalled as a BSON null value. |
// |
// 5. When unmarshalling, a field of type interface{} will follow the D/M type mappings listed above. BSON documents |
// unmarshalled into an interface{} field will be unmarshalled as a D. |
// |
// The following struct tags can be used to configure behavior: |
// |
// 1. omitempty: If the omitempty struct tag is specified on a field, the field will not be marshalled if it is set to |
// the zero value. By default, a struct field is only considered empty if the field's type implements the Zeroer |
// interface and the IsZero method returns true. Struct fields of types that do not implement Zeroer are always |
// marshalled as embedded documents. This tag should be used for all slice and map values. |
// |
// 2. minsize: If the minsize struct tag is specified on a field of type int64, uint, uint32, or uint64 and the value of |
// the field can fit in a signed int32, the field will be serialized as a BSON int32 rather than a BSON int64. For other |
// types, this tag is ignored. |
// |
// 3. truncate: If the truncate struct tag is specified on a field with a non-float numeric type, BSON doubles unmarshalled |
// into that field will be trucated at the decimal point. For example, if 3.14 is unmarshalled into a field of type int, |
// it will be unmarshalled as 3. If this tag is not specified, the decoder will throw an error if the value cannot be |
// decoded without losing precision. For float64 or non-numeric types, this tag is ignored. |
// |
// 4. inline: If the inline struct tag is specified for a struct or map field, the field will be "flattened" when |
// marshalling and "un-flattened" when unmarshalling. This means that all of the fields in that struct/map will be |
// pulled up one level and will become top-level fields rather than being fields in a nested document. For example, if a |
// map field named "Map" with value map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"} is inlined, the resulting document will be |
// {"foo": "bar"} instead of {"map": {"foo": "bar"}}. There can only be one inlined map field in a struct. If there are |
// duplicated fields in the resulting document when an inlined field is marshalled, an error will be returned. This tag |
// can be used with fields that are pointers to structs. If an inlined pointer field is nil, it will not be marshalled. |
// For fields that are not maps or structs, this tag is ignored. |
// |
// Marshalling and Unmarshalling |
// |
// Manually marshalling and unmarshalling can be done with the Marshal and Unmarshal family of functions. |
package bson