Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
179 lines
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179 lines
9.7 KiB
{{template "base/head" .}} |
<div class="page-content ui repository branches"> |
{{template "repo/header" .}} |
<div class="ui container"> |
{{template "base/alert" .}} |
{{template "repo/sub_menu" .}} |
{{if .DefaultBranchBranch}} |
<h4 class="ui top attached header"> |
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.default_branch"}} |
</h4> |
<div class="ui attached table segment"> |
<table class="ui very basic striped fixed table single line"> |
<tbody> |
<tr> |
<td> |
{{if .DefaultBranchBranch.IsProtected}} |
{{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}} |
{{end}} |
<a href="{{.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .DefaultBranch}}">{{.DefaultBranch}}</a> |
<p class="info df ac my-2">{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "mr-2"}}<a href="{{.RepoLink}}/commit/{{PathEscape .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.ID.String}}">{{ShortSha .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.ID.String}}</a> · <span class="commit-message">{{RenderCommitMessage .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.CommitMessage .RepoLink .Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span> · {{.i18n.Tr "org.repo_updated"}} {{TimeSince .DefaultBranchBranch.Commit.Committer.When .i18n.Lang}}</p> |
</td> |
<td class="right aligned overflow-visible"> |
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}} |
<div class="ui basic jump button icon tooltip show-create-branch-modal" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch_from" ($.DefaultBranch)}}" data-branch-from="{{$.DefaultBranch}}" data-branch-from-urlcomponent="{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}" data-modal="#create-branch-modal" data-position="top right"> |
{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
<div class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button tooltip" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.download" ($.DefaultBranch)}}" data-position="top right"> |
{{svg "octicon-download"}} |
<div class="menu"> |
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}.zip" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}} ZIP</a> |
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}} TAR.GZ</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{if gt (len .Branches) 1}} |
<h4 class="ui top attached header"> |
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branches"}} |
</h4> |
<div class="ui attached table segment"> |
<table class="ui very basic striped fixed table single line"> |
<tbody> |
{{range .Branches}} |
{{if ne .Name $.DefaultBranch}} |
<tr> |
<td class="six wide"> |
{{if .IsDeleted}} |
<s><a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{.Name}}</a></s> |
<p class="info">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.deleted_by" .DeletedBranch.DeletedBy.Name}} {{TimeSinceUnix .DeletedBranch.DeletedUnix $.i18n.Lang}}</p> |
{{else}} |
{{if .IsProtected}} |
{{svg "octicon-shield-lock"}} |
{{end}} |
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/src/branch/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}">{{.Name}}</a> |
<p class="info df ac my-2">{{svg "octicon-git-commit" 16 "mr-2"}}<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{PathEscape .Commit.ID.String}}">{{ShortSha .Commit.ID.String}}</a> · <span class="commit-message">{{RenderCommitMessage .Commit.CommitMessage $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span> · {{$.i18n.Tr "org.repo_updated"}} {{TimeSince .Commit.Committer.When $.i18n.Lang}}</p> |
{{end}} |
</td> |
<td class="three wide ui"> |
{{if and (not .IsDeleted) $.DefaultBranchBranch}} |
<div class="commit-divergence"> |
<div class="bar-group"> |
<div class="count count-behind">{{.CommitsBehind}}</div> |
<div class="bar bar-behind" style="width: {{percentage .CommitsBehind .CommitsBehind .CommitsAhead}}%"></div> |
</div> |
<div class="bar-group"> |
<div class="count count-ahead">{{.CommitsAhead}}</div> |
<div class="bar bar-ahead" style="width: {{percentage .CommitsAhead .CommitsBehind .CommitsAhead}}%"></div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</td> |
<td class="three wide right aligned"> |
{{if not .LatestPullRequest}} |
{{if .IsIncluded}} |
<a class="ui tooltip orange large label" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.included_desc"}}" data-position="top right"> |
{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request"}} {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.included"}} |
</a> |
{{else if and (not .IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}} |
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/compare/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}...{{if ne $.Repository.Owner.Name $.Owner.Name}}{{PathEscape $.Owner.Name}}:{{end}}{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}"> |
<button id="new-pull-request" class="ui compact basic button mr-0">{{if $.CanPull}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.compare_changes"}}{{else}}{{$.i18n.Tr "action.compare_branch"}}{{end}}</button> |
</a> |
{{end}} |
{{else if and .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged .MergeMovedOn}} |
{{if and (not .IsDeleted) $.AllowsPulls (gt .CommitsAhead 0)}} |
<a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/compare/{{PathEscapeSegments $.DefaultBranch}}...{{if ne $.Repository.Owner.Name $.Owner.Name}}{{$.Owner.Name}}:{{end}}{{.Name | PathEscapeSegments}}"> |
<button id="new-pull-request" class="ui compact basic button mr-0">{{if $.CanPull}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.compare_changes"}}{{else}}{{$.i18n.Tr "action.compare_branch"}}{{end}}</button> |
</a> |
{{end}} |
{{else}} |
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.HTMLURL}}" class="vm ref-issue">{{if not .LatestPullRequest.IsSameRepo}}{{.LatestPullRequest.BaseRepo.FullName}}{{end}}#{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.Index}}</a> |
{{if .LatestPullRequest.HasMerged}} |
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.HTMLURL}}" class="ui text-label purple large label vm">{{svg "octicon-git-merge" 16 "mr-2"}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.merged"}}</a> |
{{else if .LatestPullRequest.Issue.IsClosed}} |
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.HTMLURL}}" class="ui text-label red large label vm">{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "mr-2"}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.closed_title"}}</a> |
{{else}} |
<a href="{{.LatestPullRequest.Issue.HTMLURL}}" class="ui text-label green large label vm">{{svg "octicon-git-pull-request" 16 "mr-2"}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.open_title"}}</a> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</td> |
<td class="two wide right aligned overflow-visible"> |
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsDeleted)}} |
<div class="ui basic jump button icon tooltip show-create-branch-modal" data-branch-from="{{.Name}}" data-branch-from-urlcomponent="{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch_from" .Name}}" data-position="top right" data-modal="#create-branch-modal" data-name="{{.Name}}"> |
{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{if (not .IsDeleted)}} |
<div class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button tooltip" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.download" (.Name)}}" data-position="top right"> |
{{svg "octicon-download"}} |
<div class="menu"> |
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}.zip" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}} ZIP</a> |
<a class="item archive-link" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{PathEscapeSegments .Name}}.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">{{svg "octicon-file-zip"}} TAR.GZ</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.IsMirror) (not $.Repository.IsArchived) (not .IsProtected)}} |
{{if .IsDeleted}} |
<a class="ui basic jump button icon tooltip undo-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/restore?branch_id={{.DeletedBranch.ID}}&name={{.DeletedBranch.Name}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.restore" (.Name)}}" data-position="top right"><span class="text blue">{{svg "octicon-reply"}}</span></a> |
{{else}} |
<a class="ui basic jump button icon tooltip delete-button delete-branch-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/delete?name={{.Name}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.delete" (.Name)}}" data-position="top right" data-name="{{.Name}}"> |
{{svg "octicon-trash"}} |
</a> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</td> |
</tr> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
{{template "base/paginate" .}} |
{{end}} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="ui small basic delete modal"> |
<div class="ui icon header"> |
{{svg "octicon-trash"}} |
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.delete_html"}} <span class="name"></span> |
</div> |
<div class="content"> |
<p>{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.delete_desc" | Str2html}}</p> |
</div> |
{{template "base/delete_modal_actions" .}} |
</div> |
<div class="ui small modal" id="create-branch-modal"> |
<div class="header"> |
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.new_branch"}} |
</div> |
<div class="content"> |
<form class="ui form" id="create-branch-form" action="" data-base-action="{{.Link}}/_new/branch/" method="post"> |
{{.CsrfTokenHtml}} |
<div class="field"> |
<label> |
{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.create_new_branch"}} |
<span class="text" id="modal-create-branch-from-span"></span> |
</label> |
</div> |
<div class="required field"> |
<label for="new_branch_name">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.name"}}</label> |
<input id="new_branch_name" name="new_branch_name" required> |
</div> |
<div class="text right actions"> |
<div class="ui cancel button">{{.i18n.Tr "settings.cancel"}}</div> |
<button class="ui green button">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.confirm_create_branch"}}</button> |
</div> |
</form> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{template "base/footer" .}}