Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
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532 lines
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532 lines
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// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved. |
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
package base |
import ( |
"bytes" |
"crypto/md5" |
"crypto/rand" |
"crypto/sha1" |
"encoding/hex" |
"encoding/json" |
"fmt" |
"math" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"time" |
) |
// Encode string to md5 hex value |
func EncodeMd5(str string) string { |
m := md5.New() |
m.Write([]byte(str)) |
return hex.EncodeToString(m.Sum(nil)) |
} |
// GetRandomString generate random string by specify chars. |
func GetRandomString(n int, alphabets ...byte) string { |
const alphanum = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
var bytes = make([]byte, n) |
rand.Read(bytes) |
for i, b := range bytes { |
if len(alphabets) == 0 { |
bytes[i] = alphanum[b%byte(len(alphanum))] |
} else { |
bytes[i] = alphabets[b%byte(len(alphabets))] |
} |
} |
return string(bytes) |
} |
// verify time limit code |
func VerifyTimeLimitCode(data string, minutes int, code string) bool { |
if len(code) <= 18 { |
return false |
} |
// split code |
start := code[:12] |
lives := code[12:18] |
if d, err := StrTo(lives).Int(); err == nil { |
minutes = d |
} |
// right active code |
retCode := CreateTimeLimitCode(data, minutes, start) |
if retCode == code && minutes > 0 { |
// check time is expired or not |
before, _ := DateParse(start, "YmdHi") |
now := time.Now() |
if before.Add(time.Minute*time.Duration(minutes)).Unix() > now.Unix() { |
return true |
} |
} |
return false |
} |
const TimeLimitCodeLength = 12 + 6 + 40 |
// create a time limit code |
// code format: 12 length date time string + 6 minutes string + 40 sha1 encoded string |
func CreateTimeLimitCode(data string, minutes int, startInf interface{}) string { |
format := "YmdHi" |
var start, end time.Time |
var startStr, endStr string |
if startInf == nil { |
// Use now time create code |
start = time.Now() |
startStr = DateFormat(start, format) |
} else { |
// use start string create code |
startStr = startInf.(string) |
start, _ = DateParse(startStr, format) |
startStr = DateFormat(start, format) |
} |
end = start.Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(minutes)) |
endStr = DateFormat(end, format) |
// create sha1 encode string |
sh := sha1.New() |
sh.Write([]byte(data + SecretKey + startStr + endStr + ToStr(minutes))) |
encoded := hex.EncodeToString(sh.Sum(nil)) |
code := fmt.Sprintf("%s%06d%s", startStr, minutes, encoded) |
return code |
} |
// AvatarLink returns avatar link by given e-mail. |
func AvatarLink(email string) string { |
if Service.EnableCacheAvatar { |
return "/avatar/" + EncodeMd5(email) |
} |
return "http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/" + EncodeMd5(email) |
} |
// Seconds-based time units |
const ( |
Minute = 60 |
Hour = 60 * Minute |
Day = 24 * Hour |
Week = 7 * Day |
Month = 30 * Day |
Year = 12 * Month |
) |
func computeTimeDiff(diff int64) (int64, string) { |
diffStr := "" |
switch { |
case diff <= 0: |
diff = 0 |
diffStr = "now" |
case diff < 2: |
diff = 0 |
diffStr = "1 second" |
case diff < 1*Minute: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds", diff) |
diff = 0 |
case diff < 2*Minute: |
diff -= 1 * Minute |
diffStr = "1 minute" |
case diff < 1*Hour: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes", diff/Minute) |
diff -= diff / Minute * Minute |
case diff < 2*Hour: |
diff -= 1 * Hour |
diffStr = "1 hour" |
case diff < 1*Day: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d hours", diff/Hour) |
diff -= diff / Hour * Hour |
case diff < 2*Day: |
diff -= 1 * Day |
diffStr = "1 day" |
case diff < 1*Week: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d days", diff/Day) |
diff -= diff / Day * Day |
case diff < 2*Week: |
diff -= 1 * Week |
diffStr = "1 week" |
case diff < 1*Month: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d weeks", diff/Week) |
diff -= diff / Week * Week |
case diff < 2*Month: |
diff -= 1 * Month |
diffStr = "1 month" |
case diff < 1*Year: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d months", diff/Month) |
diff -= diff / Month * Month |
case diff < 2*Year: |
diff -= 1 * Year |
diffStr = "1 year" |
default: |
diffStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d years", diff/Year) |
diff = 0 |
} |
return diff, diffStr |
} |
// TimeSincePro calculates the time interval and generate full user-friendly string. |
func TimeSincePro(then time.Time) string { |
now := time.Now() |
diff := now.Unix() - then.Unix() |
if then.After(now) { |
return "future" |
} |
var timeStr, diffStr string |
for { |
if diff == 0 { |
break |
} |
diff, diffStr = computeTimeDiff(diff) |
timeStr += ", " + diffStr |
} |
return strings.TrimPrefix(timeStr, ", ") |
} |
// TimeSince calculates the time interval and generate user-friendly string. |
func TimeSince(then time.Time) string { |
now := time.Now() |
lbl := "ago" |
diff := now.Unix() - then.Unix() |
if then.After(now) { |
lbl = "from now" |
diff = then.Unix() - now.Unix() |
} |
switch { |
case diff <= 0: |
return "now" |
case diff <= 2: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 second %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Minute: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds %s", diff, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Minute: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 minute %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Hour: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes %s", diff/Minute, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Hour: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 hour %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Day: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d hours %s", diff/Hour, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Day: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 day %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Week: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days %s", diff/Day, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Week: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 week %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Month: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d weeks %s", diff/Week, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Month: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 month %s", lbl) |
case diff < 1*Year: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d months %s", diff/Month, lbl) |
case diff < 2*Year: |
return fmt.Sprintf("1 year %s", lbl) |
default: |
return fmt.Sprintf("%d years %s", diff/Year, lbl) |
} |
return then.String() |
} |
const ( |
Byte = 1 |
KByte = Byte * 1024 |
MByte = KByte * 1024 |
GByte = MByte * 1024 |
TByte = GByte * 1024 |
PByte = TByte * 1024 |
EByte = PByte * 1024 |
) |
var bytesSizeTable = map[string]uint64{ |
"b": Byte, |
"kb": KByte, |
"mb": MByte, |
"gb": GByte, |
"tb": TByte, |
"pb": PByte, |
"eb": EByte, |
} |
func logn(n, b float64) float64 { |
return math.Log(n) / math.Log(b) |
} |
func humanateBytes(s uint64, base float64, sizes []string) string { |
if s < 10 { |
return fmt.Sprintf("%dB", s) |
} |
e := math.Floor(logn(float64(s), base)) |
suffix := sizes[int(e)] |
val := float64(s) / math.Pow(base, math.Floor(e)) |
f := "%.0f" |
if val < 10 { |
f = "%.1f" |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf(f+"%s", val, suffix) |
} |
// FileSize calculates the file size and generate user-friendly string. |
func FileSize(s int64) string { |
sizes := []string{"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"} |
return humanateBytes(uint64(s), 1024, sizes) |
} |
// Subtract deals with subtraction of all types of number. |
func Subtract(left interface{}, right interface{}) interface{} { |
var rleft, rright int64 |
var fleft, fright float64 |
var isInt bool = true |
switch left.(type) { |
case int: |
rleft = int64(left.(int)) |
case int8: |
rleft = int64(left.(int8)) |
case int16: |
rleft = int64(left.(int16)) |
case int32: |
rleft = int64(left.(int32)) |
case int64: |
rleft = left.(int64) |
case float32: |
fleft = float64(left.(float32)) |
isInt = false |
case float64: |
fleft = left.(float64) |
isInt = false |
} |
switch right.(type) { |
case int: |
rright = int64(right.(int)) |
case int8: |
rright = int64(right.(int8)) |
case int16: |
rright = int64(right.(int16)) |
case int32: |
rright = int64(right.(int32)) |
case int64: |
rright = right.(int64) |
case float32: |
fright = float64(left.(float32)) |
isInt = false |
case float64: |
fleft = left.(float64) |
isInt = false |
} |
if isInt { |
return rleft - rright |
} else { |
return fleft + float64(rleft) - (fright + float64(rright)) |
} |
} |
// DateFormat pattern rules. |
var datePatterns = []string{ |
// year |
"Y", "2006", // A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 or 2003 |
"y", "06", //A two digit representation of a year Examples: 99 or 03 |
// month |
"m", "01", // Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12 |
"n", "1", // Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12 |
"M", "Jan", // A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec |
"F", "January", // A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January through December |
// day |
"d", "02", // Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31 |
"j", "2", // Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31 |
// week |
"D", "Mon", // A textual representation of a day, three letters Mon through Sun |
"l", "Monday", // A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday |
// time |
"g", "3", // 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12 |
"G", "15", // 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23 |
"h", "03", // 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12 |
"H", "15", // 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23 |
"a", "pm", // Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm |
"A", "PM", // Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM |
"i", "04", // Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59 |
"s", "05", // Seconds, with leading zeros 00 through 59 |
// time zone |
"T", "MST", |
"P", "-07:00", |
"O", "-0700", |
// RFC 2822 |
"r", time.RFC1123Z, |
} |
// Parse Date use PHP time format. |
func DateParse(dateString, format string) (time.Time, error) { |
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(datePatterns...) |
format = replacer.Replace(format) |
return time.ParseInLocation(format, dateString, time.Local) |
} |
// Date takes a PHP like date func to Go's time format. |
func DateFormat(t time.Time, format string) string { |
replacer := strings.NewReplacer(datePatterns...) |
format = replacer.Replace(format) |
return t.Format(format) |
} |
// convert string to specify type |
type StrTo string |
func (f StrTo) Exist() bool { |
return string(f) != string(0x1E) |
} |
func (f StrTo) Int() (int, error) { |
v, err := strconv.ParseInt(f.String(), 10, 32) |
return int(v), err |
} |
func (f StrTo) String() string { |
if f.Exist() { |
return string(f) |
} |
return "" |
} |
// convert any type to string |
func ToStr(value interface{}, args ...int) (s string) { |
switch v := value.(type) { |
case bool: |
s = strconv.FormatBool(v) |
case float32: |
s = strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', argInt(args).Get(0, -1), argInt(args).Get(1, 32)) |
case float64: |
s = strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', argInt(args).Get(0, -1), argInt(args).Get(1, 64)) |
case int: |
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case int8: |
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case int16: |
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case int32: |
s = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case int64: |
s = strconv.FormatInt(v, argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case uint: |
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case uint8: |
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case uint16: |
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case uint32: |
s = strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case uint64: |
s = strconv.FormatUint(v, argInt(args).Get(0, 10)) |
case string: |
s = v |
case []byte: |
s = string(v) |
default: |
s = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v) |
} |
return s |
} |
type argInt []int |
func (a argInt) Get(i int, args ...int) (r int) { |
if i >= 0 && i < len(a) { |
r = a[i] |
} |
if len(args) > 0 { |
r = args[0] |
} |
return |
} |
type Actioner interface { |
GetOpType() int |
GetActUserName() string |
GetRepoName() string |
GetBranch() string |
GetContent() string |
} |
// ActionIcon accepts a int that represents action operation type |
// and returns a icon class name. |
func ActionIcon(opType int) string { |
switch opType { |
case 1: // Create repository. |
return "plus-circle" |
case 5: // Commit repository. |
return "arrow-circle-o-right" |
default: |
return "invalid type" |
} |
} |
const ( |
TPL_CREATE_REPO = `<a href="/user/%s">%s</a> created repository <a href="/%s/%s">%s</a>` |
TPL_COMMIT_REPO = `<a href="/user/%s">%s</a> pushed to <a href="/%s/%s/tree/%s">%s</a> at <a href="/%s/%s">%s/%s</a>%s` |
TPL_COMMIT_REPO_LI = `<div><img id="gogs-user-avatar-commit" src="%s?s=16" alt="user-avatar" title="username"/> <a href="/%s/%s/commit/%s">%s</a> %s</div>` |
) |
type PushCommits struct { |
Len int |
Commits [][]string |
} |
// ActionDesc accepts int that represents action operation type |
// and returns the description. |
func ActionDesc(act Actioner, avatarLink string) string { |
actUserName := act.GetActUserName() |
repoName := act.GetRepoName() |
branch := act.GetBranch() |
content := act.GetContent() |
switch act.GetOpType() { |
case 1: // Create repository. |
return fmt.Sprintf(TPL_CREATE_REPO, actUserName, actUserName, actUserName, repoName, repoName) |
case 5: // Commit repository. |
var push *PushCommits |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(content), &push); err != nil { |
return err.Error() |
} |
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("\n")) |
for _, commit := range push.Commits { |
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(TPL_COMMIT_REPO_LI, avatarLink, actUserName, repoName, commit[0], commit[0][:7], commit[1]) + "\n") |
} |
if push.Len > 3 { |
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`<div><a href="/%s/%s/commits/%s">%d other commits >></a></div>`, actUserName, repoName, branch, push.Len)) |
} |
return fmt.Sprintf(TPL_COMMIT_REPO, actUserName, actUserName, actUserName, repoName, branch, branch, actUserName, repoName, actUserName, repoName, |
buf.String()) |
default: |
return "invalid type" |
} |