Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
138 lines
4.4 KiB
138 lines
4.4 KiB
### Makefile for tidb |
# Ensure GOPATH is set before running build process. |
ifeq "$(GOPATH)" "" |
$(error Please set the environment variable GOPATH before running `make`) |
endif |
path_to_add := $(addsuffix /bin,$(subst :,/bin:,$(GOPATH))) |
export PATH := $(path_to_add):$(PATH) |
# Check the version of make and set env varirables/commands accordingly. |
version_list := $(subst ., ,$(MAKE_VERSION)) |
major_version := $(firstword $(version_list)) |
old_versions := 0 1 2 3 |
ifeq "$(major_version)" "$(filter $(major_version),$(old_versions))" |
# Old version of `make` installed. It fails to search golex/goyacc |
# by using the modified `PATH`, so we specify these commands with full path. |
GODEP = $$(which godep) |
GOLEX = $$(which golex) |
GOYACC = $$(which goyacc) |
GOLINT = $$(which golint) |
else |
# After version 4, `make` could follow modified `PATH` to find |
# golex/goyacc correctly. |
GODEP := godep |
GOLEX := golex |
GOYACC := goyacc |
GOLINT := golint |
endif |
GO := $(GODEP) go |
ARCH := "`uname -s`" |
LINUX := "Linux" |
MAC := "Darwin" |
LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/printer.TiDBBuildTS=$(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S')" |
LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/pingcap/tidb/util/printer.TiDBGitHash=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)" |
TARGET = "" |
.PHONY: godep deps all build install update parser clean todo test gotest interpreter server |
all: godep build test check |
godep: |
go get github.com/tools/godep |
go get github.com/pingcap/go-hbase |
go get github.com/pingcap/go-themis |
go get github.com/pingcap/tso/client |
build: |
$(GO) build |
install: |
$(GO) install ./... |
update: |
go get -u github.com/pingcap/go-hbase |
go get -u github.com/pingcap/go-themis |
go get -u github.com/pingcap/tso/client |
TEMP_FILE = temp_parser_file |
parser: |
go get github.com/qiuyesuifeng/goyacc |
go get github.com/qiuyesuifeng/golex |
$(GOYACC) -o /dev/null -xegen $(TEMP_FILE) parser/parser.y |
$(GOYACC) -o parser/parser.go -xe $(TEMP_FILE) parser/parser.y 2>&1 | egrep "(shift|reduce)/reduce" | awk '{print} END {if (NR > 0) {print "Find conflict in parser.y. Please check y.output for more information."; system("rm -f $(TEMP_FILE)"); exit 1;}}' |
rm -f $(TEMP_FILE) |
rm -f y.output |
@if [ $(ARCH) = $(LINUX) ]; \ |
then \ |
sed -i -e 's|//line.*||' -e 's/yyEofCode/yyEOFCode/' parser/parser.go; \ |
elif [ $(ARCH) = $(MAC) ]; \ |
then \ |
/usr/bin/sed -i "" 's|//line.*||' parser/parser.go; \ |
/usr/bin/sed -i "" 's/yyEofCode/yyEOFCode/' parser/parser.go; \ |
fi |
$(GOLEX) -o parser/scanner.go parser/scanner.l |
@awk 'BEGIN{print "// Code generated by goyacc"} {print $0}' parser/parser.go > tmp_parser.go && mv tmp_parser.go parser/parser.go; |
@awk 'BEGIN{print "// Code generated by goyacc"} {print $0}' parser/scanner.go > tmp_scanner.go && mv tmp_scanner.go parser/scanner.go; |
check: |
bash gitcookie.sh |
go get github.com/golang/lint/golint |
@echo "vet" |
@ go tool vet . 2>&1 | grep -vE 'Godeps|parser/scanner.*unreachable code' | awk '{print} END{if(NR>0) {exit 1}}' |
@echo "vet --shadow" |
@ go tool vet --shadow . 2>&1 | grep -vE 'Godeps' | awk '{print} END{if(NR>0) {exit 1}}' |
@echo "golint" |
@ $(GOLINT) ./... 2>&1 | grep -vE 'LastInsertId|NewLexer|\.pb\.go' | awk '{print} END{if(NR>0) {exit 1}}' |
@echo "gofmt (simplify)" |
@ gofmt -s -l . 2>&1 | grep -vE 'Godeps|parser/parser.go|parser/scanner.go' | awk '{print} END{if(NR>0) {exit 1}}' |
deps: |
go list -f '{{range .Deps}}{{printf "%s\n" .}}{{end}}{{range .TestImports}}{{printf "%s\n" .}}{{end}}' ./... | \ |
sort | uniq | grep -E '[^/]+\.[^/]+/' |grep -v "pingcap/tidb" | \ |
awk 'BEGIN{ print "#!/bin/bash" }{ printf("go get -u %s\n", $$1) }' > deps.sh |
chmod +x deps.sh |
bash deps.sh |
clean: |
$(GO) clean -i ./... |
rm -rf *.out |
rm -f deps.sh |
todo: |
@grep -n ^[[:space:]]*_[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]][[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]* */*.go parser/scanner.l parser/parser.y || true |
@grep -n TODO */*.go parser/scanner.l parser/parser.y || true |
@grep -n BUG */*.go parser/scanner.l parser/parser.y || true |
@grep -n println */*.go parser/scanner.l parser/parser.y || true |
test: gotest |
gotest: |
$(GO) test -cover ./... |
race: |
$(GO) test --race -cover ./... |
ddl_test: |
$(GO) test ./ddl/... -skip_ddl=false |
ddl_race_test: |
$(GO) test --race ./ddl/... -skip_ddl=false |
interpreter: |
@cd interpreter && $(GO) build -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' |
server: |
ifeq ($(TARGET), "") |
@cd tidb-server && $(GO) build -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' |
else |
@cd tidb-server && $(GO) build -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o '$(TARGET)' |